A stater Go programming language package for RESTful web services

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RESTful_API service - Go

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First of all make sure to install Go Programming Language in your computer. Try this link to follow the installation.

And add the GOPATH path variable if it is not set. Use this link to follow a tutorial to set the GOPATH variable

Download the source code. You can either download it as a zip file and extract it or simply type the command in the terminal or bash or cmd,

git clone

change your directory into the project folder. And run the command,

go run main.go

Then it will start the server on http://localhost:8000. To test the api use postman or curl and make sure to follow the url like given below.


If you failed to start the server try to configure your database details with the project. To update database details find the file .env in the project directory or .env.example and change the database detils. If the error is about some missing dependencies try like below.

if it says is missin for a example try in the terminal

go get{package-name} here the package name is gorilla/mux

Some Basic API urls

Feel free to open issues and PR’s are welcome. Happy coding… ;)